Set up Subversion using WampServer Apache support

Subversion is a popular SCM (source code management) application.  Subversion allows you to keep various versions of your web development files.  This way, if you make a mistake or decide you want to go back to an earlier version of your site, you can simply find the desired version.

Version control and SCM is very complex topic, but we will try to focus on the simple tasks of installing Subversion using Apache for hosting your files via HTTP.  The importance of having HTTP hosting for Subversion is so that you can use the Subversion integration in the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE).

The key to a successful Subversion installation is to use the version with the proper binaries (already compiled files) for the Apache server in your WampServer installation.  At the time of this writing, WampServer includes Apache version 2.2.11, which can use Subversion version 1.6.6.  Download Subversion from

The default installation location in the Subversion installer is C:\Program Files\Subversion\.  However, since we will be using Subversion with our WampServer installation, change the installation directory to c:\wamp\svn.  (“svn” is the common short-hand for Subversion.)  Other than this change, you can use the other installation defaults.

Subversion stores its data is sets of files called repositories.  You must have at least one repository to use Subversion.  Most of the Subversion application files are command line utilities.  However, we will be insulated from most of these utilities after completing this configuration by using Subversion from Eclipse.  The structure of your repository is very important.  To that end, we will be using the “standard” repository structure recommended in the Subversion “Red Book”, which is the canonical reference for Subversion:


In this structure, project_name represents the so-called project root directory, which is the top-most directory for files related to project_name.  The trunk sub-directory is where the main code and files for your site or project is stored.  You can think of the trunk as the “main branch” of a tree.  The tags sub-directory contains “snapshots” of your files from particular points in time.  For example, when you release the first version of your application or web site, you’ll probably want to create a version 1.0 snapshot or tag.  In general, you never change files in the tags directory; they are simply reference points in your files.  Finally, the branches directory is used for creating named branches of your main code (i.e., from the trunk).  Typically, branches are used when you need to do parallel development, which means that two development activities on the same set of code (files) is taking place simultaneously.  Usually, at some point, you merge the code from one (or more) branch back into the trunk before continuing development.

We’ll use a sub-directory of c:\wamp\svn called repos as the home for our repositories (e.g., c:\wamp\svn\repos).  Often, this directory is referred to as the repository “root” directory.  To do this, open a Windows Command Prompt:  Start –> Programs –> Accessories –> Command Prompt and change to the c:\wamp\svn directory:

cd c:\wamp\svn

Now create a new subdirectory named repos:

mkdir repos

Change to the the repos directory (cd repos) and create a directory with the name of the project. In this example, I’m developing a simple inventory system for a church teachers’ workroom, so I’ll name my project workroom for simplicity:

mkdir workroom

Now, we actually create the Subversion repository for this project using the svnadmin command:

svnadmin create c:\wamp\svn\repos\workroom

With our Subversion repository created, we turn to actually configuring Apache to be the “front end” for Subversion by providing the HTTP hosting for Subversion, so that we can access our repository directly from Eclipse.

First, we need to copy the Subversion Apache modules from our Subversion installation folder to the Apache installation folder.  To do this, copy and from c:\wamp\svn\httpd to c:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\modules.

Next, the Apache configuration file (httpd.conf) is updated to load these modules.  Open c:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\conf\httpd.conf with a plain text editor, such as Notepad.  In httpd.conf, look for the lines that start with LoadModule and add the following lines in this section and save the file:

LoadModule  dav_module             modules/
LoadModule  dav_svn_module         modules/
LoadModule  authz_svn_module       modules/

Next, we set our Subversion configuration parameters in the Apache confiugration file.  At the end (bottom) of httpd.conf add the following lines and save the file:

<Location /svn/>
    DAV svn
    #specify the root directory for repositories
    SVNParentPath c:/wamp/svn/repos/

    #list repositories
    SVNListParentPath on

    #access control policy
    	#authentication file
    	AuthzSVNAccessFile conf/apachesvnauth
    	#type of authentication
    	AuthType Basic
		#the name of the authentication
    	AuthName "Subversion repository"
    	#file with user passwords values
    	AuthUserFile conf/apachesvnpasswd
    	#only allow authorized users to log in
    	Require valid-user
The first line (“<Location /svn/>”) defines the “alias” that Apache will use for the Subversion repositories.  This means that by entering http://localhost/svn/, you'll be able to access your Subversion repositories.  The SVNListParent Path on directive tells Apache to list the names of the repositories when you browse to http://localhost/svn/.

Note on the SVNParentPath line that the forward slash (/) is used, rather than the back slash (\) normally used in Windows.  The reason is that Apache uses the Unix directory separator, which is the forward slash.

Also, you’ll notice that this configuration includes two additional files:  apachesvnauth and apachesvnpasswd.  These are the permissions configuration and user ID/password list files, respectively.  To create the apachesvnpasswd file, return to the Windows Command Prompt from earlier and change to the c:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\conf directory and execute this command:

htpasswd -cm apachesvnpasswd username

where username is the user ID that you want to use with Subversion.  You’ll be prompted to enter a password for this account.  The ‘m’ option means that the password will be encrypted using the MD5 algorithm.  (If you want to bypass the encryption and store the password in plain text, just leave off the ‘m’ in the command.)

To create the apachesvnauth permissions file, open an empty file in a text editor, such as Notepad and enter the following lines:

username = rw
* = r

Replace workflow by the name of the repository that you created earlier and substitute your user ID for username.  This configuration means that your user ID has read and write permissions to all files in the project and ‘* = r’ allows any user to view the files (i.e., read-only access) in the project.  Save this file as apachesvnauth.  (You can also define groups and restrict access to specific sub-directories of a repository, but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.)

Now, stop and restart the Apache web server (or the entire WampServer system, if desired).  You can do this by clicking (with left mouse button) on the WampServer icon in the system tray and choose ‘Restart All Services’ from the menu.

Installing and configuring WampServer on Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7

WampServer is full-fledged web environment that runs on Windows and works very much like your web hosting provider’s system, except that it is located entirely on your computer.  With WampServer, you don’t even have to be connected to the Internet to do web design and development!

WampServer consists of the following components:

  • Windows –  You’ve already got this part!  These instructions apply to Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 (and may work on other versions, as well).
  • Apache – The Apache web server is a free, open-source HTTP server that is used on over half of the web servers on the Internet.  It is very well supported and has an active and helpful community, so it is quite easy to get help and find information about it.
  • MySQL – MySQL is a popular free, open-source RDBMS server platform.  As with Apache, it is widely used and has many users who share their experiences and tips.  In addition, one of the great advantages of MySQL is that his native integration with Apache and PHP.
  • PHP – PHP is also free and open-source and is a popular scripting language for developing dynamic interactive web applications.  PHP is both easy to learn, even for beginners, and powerful.

You can think of Apache, MySQL, and PHP as three legs of a sturdy stool that stand on the foundation of Windows.  You’ll undoubtedly hear about LAMP, which is similar to WAMP, except that the ‘L’ stands for Linux, which is a popular open-source server operating system that runs many web hosting systems.

To install WampServer, download the installation package from  Run the installation package and choose the defaults for each prompt.  This will install WampServer to the c:\wamp folder (directory).

If you did not choose to launch WampServer after the installation completed, go ahead and run WampServer from the Start Menu:  Start → Programs → WampServer → start WampServer.  If you received any security warnings (very likely in Windows Vista and Windows 7) permit WampServer to run.  These are warnings that WampServer wants to make updates to your system and to use network resources, which is normal since this is a web server environment! You’ll see an icon in the Windows system tray that looks like gauge or speedometer with a needle.  It will show red, then yellow, and finally (hopefully!), the needle will settle all the way to the right and the icon will be white.  Hover the mouse of the icon and it should display ‘WAMPSERVER – server Online’.  If so, everything is good.

To confirm that the server is running and “serving” web pages, open your web browser and enter http://localhost/ in the address field and press <Enter>.  If all is good, you’ll see a web page with the WampServer logo and Server Configuration information.  This page will show you the versions of Apache, MySQL, and PHP that are installed, as well as the PHP extensions (more about them later!) loaded.  Congratulations!  You have a working web server platform running on your machine.  Wasn’t very hard, was it?!

If for some reason WampServer is unable to start or, more likely, start completely, see this page for information about troubleshooting problems with WampServer.  Keep this page in mind as you make changes to the WampServer configuration.  It is almost inevitable that something will go wrong, but that shouldn’t deter you from experimenting and learning from your mistakes.  Again, the Apache, MySQL, and PHP communities are very helpful and the Internet is filled with resources on solving these problems.

The web root folder will be, by default, set to c:\wamp\www.  The web root folder is like the “home” (base) folder for the local Apache web server.  Also, Apache is configured, by default, to “listen” on port 80, which is the standard port for HTTP, the protocol used for web sites. Apache is very flexible and we’ll talk later about how to change some of these common parameters.  If you look in the c:\wamp\www folder, you’ll see a file called index.php.  When you opened http://localhost/ to test your WampServer installation, the page that was actually displayed (really interpreted for display by the Apache HTTP server) was this index.php file.

But how did Apache know to open index.php specifically?  This is just one of Apache’s huge set of configuration parameters (settings).  The main Apache configuration file is called httpd.conf. (“httpd” stands for HTTP daemon.  The term “daemon” simply means background service and is a term borrowed from Unix.  In other words a daemon that runs in the background and performs tasks without user interaction.)  You’ll find httpd.conf on WampServer in c:\wamp\bin\apache\Apacheversion\conf, where version is the version number of Apache in your WampServer installation (2.2.11 at the time of this writing).  Open httpd.conf with any text editor, such as Notepad.  Take a look through httpd.conf to get familiar with its contents.  In particular, we are looking for a line that contains DirectoryIndex.  When you find it, it will probably contain something like this:

   DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.html index.htm

Did you see that this line contains index.php?  Remember that we saw that c:\wamp\www folder contained a file named index.php?  The DirectoryIndex directive (Apache’s name for commands!) tells Apache what file names to look for if you don’t specify a particular file name when entering a URL (web address) and the order to look for them.  Therefore, in this case, Apache looks for a file named index.php first and, if it doesn’t find it, then for index.php3 and so on.  Thus, this is how Apache “translated” http://localhost/ to http://localhost/index.php when you tested the WampServer installation.

The other important item from this discussion is that c:\wamp\www in your Windows file system (directory or folder structure) is essentially the same as the “root” folder of the web server provided by WampServer.  Thus, if you create another sub-folder in c:\wamp\www, such as c:\wamp\www\mysite, you can access it in your web browser by entering http://localhost/mysite.  (Remember that you’ll need to have a file in c:\wamp\www\mysite that Apache can interpret, such as index.html, or you’ll need to specify the specific file to display, such as http://localhost/mysite/myfile.php.)

However, we haven’t explained the localhost part, yet.  Basically, localhost is just another name (called an “alias” in the web vernacular) for the loopback IP address of your computer, which is usually  This alias is defined, on Windows systems, in the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.  We’ll come back to hosts when we discuss setting up “virtual hosts” (basically multiple web “sites”) in Apache.  For now, just remember that c:\wamp\www corresponds to the “root” (top-level) directory of http://localhost/.

That’s it for now.  Leave any questions in the comments and look for the next installment in the series soon.

Web development on Windows

Today, we are starting a new series on setting up a web development environment and developing web applications on Windows.  The series will focus on using WampServer, Eclipse, and CodeIgniter PHP framework.

Some of the topics that we plan to cover include:

  • Installing WampServer on Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7.
  • Adding additional server versions to WampServer.
  • Creating a new MySQL database via phpMyAdmin.
  • Configuring multiple virtual hosts in Apache.
  • Installing Subversion and set up WebSVN with WampServer.
  • Installing and configure PEAR on WampServer.
  • How to set up Eclipse to work with WampServer environment.
  • How to use Eclipse with local Subversion (or Git?) environment.
  • Free remote Subversion and Git hosting services.
  • Installing Xdebug for PHP on WampServer and Eclipse.
  • Installing and configuring CodeIgniter.
  • Adding Zen Coding plugin to Eclipse.
  • Configuring mod_rewrite on WampServer for URL rewriting.
  • Moving your finished web design to web hosting platform.

I hope your looking forward to the adventure.  If you have any suggestions for other topics, please leave your suggestions in the comments.